Tuesday, April 3, 2007


So I was reading the news and saw that some politicians in Columbia were arrested for involvement with para-military groups in plots to kidnapp political rivals. I was thinking to myself "Jeez, look at all that corruption, I'm sure glad we don't have anything like that here. If something like that had been planned in the U.S. , they would be held for treason..." And remembering back to the Nixon days and how he did some illegal things to spy on the Democrats and it hit me.

-From the very day a new administration is voted into office, the opposite party (since there are only two) works day and night to OVERTHROW the administration.

I Know, this seemed odd to me at first too!@

How can we function as a "Democracy" which includes the "peaceful transition of power" if every single politico is trying to undermine and overthrow the government?

we can look back at the Clinton years (oh the memories) and see clear examples of how it hinders our goverment...

clinton claims that since the republicans were after him day and night about lewinski, it made it more difficult to go after Bin Laden.. therefore, resulting in September 11th. They put his ass up on impeachment charges, handicapping almost his entire political goals, and for what? So he could be aquitted? http://www.cnn.com/ALLPOLITICS/stories/1999/02/12/impeachment/

good going repubs...

well, so how can we fix this little problem I like to call "democracy with treason"?

I have no idea...

maybe we should find some sort of power-sharing governmental structure. at least that might cut down on some of the mud slinging... hmm. OVERTHROW OVERTHROW!! DOWN WITH THE ADMINISTRATION... :p haha, that's kind of catchy

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