Friday, August 24, 2007

The real reason rich kids are so screwed up

*BEWARE* Broad generalizations ahead!!

Ok, first of all I am not speaking about the Paris hilton/nichole richie celeb-gone-bad which dominates our news headlines but you could fit them into this model if you'd like...

I am, however, speaking of a broad generalization theory I've developed which answers the age old question of why the kids of rich people constantly screw up their lives. This, of course, isn't to say that the kids of the poor and middle class don't screw up their lives but that is another theory for another time.

The theory goes like this....
--When a man accumulates large amounts of wealth and power his ego usually becomes the dominant force in his life. Many of his days are spent at work or in meetings with other rich men crafting the outcome of the next presidential election. This time usage obviously creeps into his personal life at all levels but we are only going to concern ourselves with the time he spends wooing and choosing a wife and raising his children.

Now, before all the peta women reading this get all up in arms because they think i'm going to say "the kids need a father" please just hear me out.

The reason these rich kids screw up is because what these men prise in their women; physical beauty, trendyness, dim-whittedness, translates exactly to their kids. Because the father is never home, the child rearing falls to the mother who puts into the kids all the things that she values. And the things a person values are the very things they believe got them to the stage in life they are at.

SO, you get these women pushing "hottness", for lack of a better term, onto their children and then we all sit back and wonder why they can't hold a job, produce sex tapes, get caught going the wrong way on a freeway, etc.......

Now, I go to a private college where 80% of the kids are little rich bastards who don't even bother showering before they get to class, if they get to class. mommy and daddy simply toss money at them hoping that someone else will instill something positive into their child..................................................

alright, let me know if this theory holds up


Anonymous said...

I almost agree fully except with the part that states "The reason these rich kids screw up is because what these men prise in their women." What those men prise is their possessions! Anything and everything that they feel gives then stature and could possibly make them the envy of other men. So yes EGO for sure. Women are just another possession to them. I think one more thing comes into play in this scenario. These men so frequently trade in their possessions for bigger and better hence why these women put such value into “physical beauty, trendyness” for fear of being traded in. Family values and unity are like dust bunnies swept under the rug cause it’s not Consuela’s job to teach love and commitment…plus, she’s off on Sundays! Ya know family day! Daddy is out golfing and Mommy is sipping mimosas at the country club brunch while Brian and Tiffany experiment with recreational drugs and web cams instead of hanging out around the grill eating BBQ chicken and macaroni and cheese! Just my take on it. ☺

Muckraker said...

Nice post and thank you for being my first :p
You nailed my theory on the head with your comment.

I was trying to say the very thing you reiterated (sp?) about the men seeing everything in their lives as EGO enhancement including their wives and even children.

I'm not sure I would have called the housekeeper a hispanic name but that is juwst because I'm p.c.

...but it may have been a good observation. Mesxicans are cheap and interchangable right? .....
perfect for the lives of rich white people

too bad you posted without your identity, i'd like to read whatever you have as well.. come back often