Tuesday, October 23, 2007

I am looking for an entrepreneur

you see, I have many ideas floating around this head of mine and some of those ideas are for businesses. I have large and small ideas for online, conceptual, and real product oriented ideas.

The problem I'm facing, if you could call it a problem, is that I have no desire to move these ideas off the drawing board and into action. Yes, that is why I will always be poor and work for someone else but the facts remain. I need someone who either has experience in a small business and wants another challenge or I need someone who wants to try it out and take that risk.

Now, mind you, I have no money. I am simply an ideas person. The financing and general business concept will be up to you. Respond if you want but also know that I will NOT being sharing my ideas until you gain my trust and/or i have a patent.

so, entrepreneur wanted!!

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

hmm... anything new?

well, sorry for the rather long delay. I have been very busy with life outside of the "blogisphere" but I think I may have something for my three readers...

I have a friend who just moved to Louisiana as she got into LSU vet school. (yay 4 her)
So she has been calling her friends out here because she is so desperate to talk to people of "like mind". Now, keep in mind that she is one of the most, if not the most, "Liberal" people I know and that is important because she is complaining of being "picked on" by the apparently super religious/conservative members in her class...

"Picked on"... seriously. She has been seriously called "Satan" because she is apparently a "hippy" and has been told by one student, on more than one occasion, that she is going to burn in hell.

I have been telling her to give it back to them because, trust me, she can hold her own, but apparently that doesn't help because there are too many of them...

I honestly wonder about the state of our Nation when hearing things like this because it points to the larger problem of the "left" and "right" not being able to sit at the same table. I also wonder why I don't hear anything, from any "leadership" in this country as to what can be done to bridge this gap between the two.

How is it that our country is stable given these types of problems? And it isn't just at LSU; no no no. What I've described is a religious/political problem between white students in a graduate program. Think about the gender and racial divide...

-Now, imagine for a second, a situation in which San Francisco was its own State and shared a border with Alabama. (this is the most extreme circumstance I could think of and we are still not getting any racial issues.) What would happen? War? yeah, I'd say war would be a possibility between two groups with DEEP religious, political, and cultural differences. Now, imagine that in the Middle East and call it Iraq...

Maybe a Federal partitioning of the country would be best for all involved.

Yeah, I realize that this post was a little dis-jointed but who cares... no writing bug tonight. Sorry.


Saturday, September 15, 2007

to continue to gloom and doom predictions...

3 future crisis facing the United States and, indeed, the world.

1) As I stated in the previous blog, the US housing crisis is HUGE.
We have already seen this thing infect many areas of the world economy and I believe we have just seen the tip of the iceberg. With the average price of a home spiraling downward, as noted here: http://www.signonsandiego.com/news/state/20070914-1156-ca-brf-norcal-sacramentoforeclosures.html
, and in another story i read about southern california this last week(sorry i couldn't find it), we are going to see a near-collapse in housing leading to a recession on a global scale. http://www.latimes.com/business/la-fi-economy12sep12,0,7770094.story?coll=la-tot-business&track=ntothtml

now this all might be OLD news to you all but what nobody is talking about is...

#2) the current, and still building, healthcare crisis in the United States.

Yeah, I'm sure you are all aware of the joke that has become of our little industry (huge profits by the way: http://www.americasagenda.org/hcindustry.html http://www.ufcw.org/your_industry/other_industries/health_care/ http://www.rmhiherbal.org/review/2003-2.html )
but with the labor unions striking at GM and it's most contentious issue being healthcare, we are seeing the healthcare cost for employers and individuals SPIKE putting further strain on an already iffy economy. http://accounting.pro2net.com/x57968.xml

All economists and many politicians recognize the health of their citizens a critical aspect of their productivity. I know that, personally, since I have had no healthcare in over a year, I've not been to the doctor, dentist, or optometrist for fear of being charged big $$. Now even before I lost my benefits I was always reluctant to go because of the 75% coverage and high co-pays (30$).

ok so #3.............

A dramatic loss of manufacturing laborers in a key global market for such. CHINA.

China currently has 130 men for every woman. and since they have about a billion people witch comes to about 30million single working males within the next couple of years. 2/3 of all chinese who ever leave the country to study, NEVER GO HOME. They see western civilization or find love or a good paying job and stay abroad. This lack of women has lead to kidnapping in many south-east asian nations and a loss of rights for women in china.

Now, I know this isn't sexy, but china's population is the fastest aging nation in the world with it's working class increasingly being made up of 50 and 60 somethings.
Now we are all concerned in the united states about our babyboomers retiring, now just imagine that but ten times worse.

ok, that is enough for now. I'll write again when I think of something else that is going to spell our demise.

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

U.S Economic Prediction: Why we are in for some hard times

Here is a link from the British Broadcasting Co

In that story they talk about a steep and impending U.S. economic downturn caused mainly due to the downturn in the subprime lending markets.

As we have seen for a few weeks now, the subprime lending market has really tanked and it has had a negative effect on the global economy.

The story from the BBC is pretty good but I have a small problem with just one thing... the story quotes people who claim that the economy will take a rather large hit but that it won't go into recession because the US consumer is "resiliant" and that houshold spending has remained strong.

-now, maybe the British or their story's sources havn't payed too much attention to the way in which Americans live. We claim the highest level of personal debt in the world. All of our poor and middle class are virtually drowning in debt and interest payments. We have elderly people who are in such financial straights that they die of heat stroke rather than turn on the A.C.

My point is, that although consumer spending has yet to slow down, it is only a matter of time before the defaulted housing industry drive people into bankruptcy.
-Please keep in mind that the subprime mess will stretch far into our economy, and into many sectors as we have already started to see. This is an entire industry on the brink which employs millions of people. Realetors, constructions workers, bankers, Home Depots, carpeting stores, furniture stores, paint supply, landscaping, etc, all will suffer a great deal from this debacle.

It might not be easy to imagine how the consumers will react to a mortage crisis but the fiscal conservative in me says that they will be anything but "resiliant".

p.s. - it's too f-ing hot in L.A.

Friday, August 24, 2007

The real reason rich kids are so screwed up

*BEWARE* Broad generalizations ahead!!

Ok, first of all I am not speaking about the Paris hilton/nichole richie celeb-gone-bad which dominates our news headlines but you could fit them into this model if you'd like...

I am, however, speaking of a broad generalization theory I've developed which answers the age old question of why the kids of rich people constantly screw up their lives. This, of course, isn't to say that the kids of the poor and middle class don't screw up their lives but that is another theory for another time.

The theory goes like this....
--When a man accumulates large amounts of wealth and power his ego usually becomes the dominant force in his life. Many of his days are spent at work or in meetings with other rich men crafting the outcome of the next presidential election. This time usage obviously creeps into his personal life at all levels but we are only going to concern ourselves with the time he spends wooing and choosing a wife and raising his children.

Now, before all the peta women reading this get all up in arms because they think i'm going to say "the kids need a father" please just hear me out.

The reason these rich kids screw up is because what these men prise in their women; physical beauty, trendyness, dim-whittedness, translates exactly to their kids. Because the father is never home, the child rearing falls to the mother who puts into the kids all the things that she values. And the things a person values are the very things they believe got them to the stage in life they are at.

SO, you get these women pushing "hottness", for lack of a better term, onto their children and then we all sit back and wonder why they can't hold a job, produce sex tapes, get caught going the wrong way on a freeway, etc.......

Now, I go to a private college where 80% of the kids are little rich bastards who don't even bother showering before they get to class, if they get to class. mommy and daddy simply toss money at them hoping that someone else will instill something positive into their child..................................................

alright, let me know if this theory holds up

Thursday, August 9, 2007

ok, this post is to consolodate my blogs from another website...nothing new here.

"the democrats are going to cost you money"
Current mood: bitchy
Category: News and Politics

Alright, Seriously, I've had just about enough of this during the past 18 million election cycles...

Only a Republican can make the claim, that after many years of running of trillions of dollars in debt, that it is the Democrats who are going to cost you money.

Honestly I guess ANY politician can say that, but it's only a Vile, pompous Republican who can say it with a straight face.

The idea that the fiscal conservatism that Democrats employ when restraining out-of-control Governmental spending is going to cost "you" money is preposterous! yeah, i said it! PREPOSTEROUS!

The 400 billion we spend on the INTEREST on the national debt each and every year has to come from somewhere right? I'll give you ONE GUESS where that is... that's right... YOUR ASS (paycheck)

who here knows how long it would take to pay off a credit card debt if one only pays the minimum payment? -ya might as well burn that cash...

so the question is this, do we keep paying, each and every year, an increasing amount of interest on our increasingly large debt? Or do we, balance the fucking budget, pay down on the principal, and maybe someday, get the interest payment back down to a controllable level?

I'd like to point to the countries around the world who have defaulted on their national debt payments and say - LOOK!!- THEY COLLAPSE!!

P.S. - we are currently spending 200 billion per year in IRAQ
SO, with the money we burn on the interest, we could fuck over two completely other countries....

what percent of the fiscal budget is spent toward all of the military effort? what about social programs? i agree that there is a problem, but don't blame the military spending for that. BTW, the Air Force is doing their part is cutting back... damn that "Force Reshaping"!

Posted by The Pool Boy

--hey, i never said Medicare and SS were not up shit's creek... it was the GWB --catch-phrase that if dems were elected that they would suddenly cause Americans --financial hardship that drove me to this commentary.
--personally, I see 20-25% of military expenditure as wasteful especially when that --$$ is spent overseas (unless it's in Afghanistan)

I say we start a revolution, watch freedom to fascism and you'll agree.

Posted by Bill

Individual power
Current mood: discontent

Let me start by apologizing for this rant. I have this in my head and it won't die unless I get it out.

I have been taking an international relations course in which we have been dissecting the different kinds of power a nation has (military, economic, cultural, religious, etc...) and how that power has been made increasingly difficult for the nations to use with the emergence of NGO's (non-governmental organizations: OPEC, Unions, NAFTA, terrorism, etc) brought about by the "information explosion" of the internet.

now, I have also been taking another course in which my professors warned us against using internet sites such as wikipedia. Now wikipedia is basically an encyclopedia in which basically anyone can create or edit entries made by other people on a specific topic. Some of the entries having their sources cited like any well published paper should and others do not. Topics which deal in political matters tend to be where lots of differentiating opinions come to the forefront.

OK, the only other example I can think of is a computer operating system called LINIX in which the source code is open for people to edit freely. This has lead to a very sound computer system which may someday challenge windows as the main professional OS.

Now I see the "open source" forums and experiences to be of GREAT value, and I can't shake the idea that what my professors were railing against is the very thing the nations are trying to control. Their power.

My professors happen to have written the textbook with which they are teaching our class and, undoubtedly, had to jump through many hoops to get their work published. BUT, what they are holding on to is the isolation of knowledge (power) into the hands of the few people in the world who can afford to go get the education.

I see these open forums as a way for people to access information freely. and with information comes power. Why isn't there a drive to freely publish a text book on mathematics online for anyone with an internet connection to access and teach themselves math? do we really need to constantly reinvent the wheel with new editions of math books every single semester?

How about medical books? why shouldn't we all have free access to the knowledge if we so desire?

I think that if we were given a forum, such as for the medical field, that doctors from around the world would be interested in the free-flow of ideas on how to properly treat this thing or that.

Why shouldn't the open forum of a wikipedia be considered better than an encyclopedia published yesterday?

at least the wikipedia would be revised tomorrow, and possibly, have a more expanded outlook on things as the contributions would come from around the world. why should i settle for the opinions of an american (or british, french, etc..) publishing company when I can get a global perspective on a subject, like Islam, from a variety of viewpoints?

I guess part of my experience, and hence, my attitude comes from my old work, where there were many people who did their jobs better than anyone else but they were held back in a way because they didn't have a degree in the field. -It is just a piece of paper- mine will cost several thousand.

ok, sorry that was so long.
p.s. there are bound to be MANY errors in that, i am not going to re-read or edit it at all so I am sorry for being my mother's son...

aint that the truth lets show this to price

Posted by Bill

---why not, he already gave me an A- and I'll never take another religious studies ---class :D
---Posted by tom

I ***ing HATE fire and brimstone
Current mood: angry
Category: Religion and Philosophy


The story basically tells of a BIBLE-THUMPER who thinks the soldiers oversees are dieing because the United States Harbors Homosexuals!! They go to the funerals of soldiers and protest!! WTF! GET A FUCKING JOB!

Fred Phelps is a ****ing @ss****!


p.s.... God, if you do exist, please send Mr. Phelps to hell. Thanks!

...ok, so if you search for Fred Phelps, the first hit on Yahoo is "godhatesfags.com". And is totally serious...

Yes Tallia, this is your nemesis

This guy is out of his mind. Since when does God Hate his so called children?
I hate people like this, how do they get anykind of backing? So many weak people in this world.

Posted by Ray

omfg... I'm pro-LIFE!!???
Current mood: bored

So, the other night I was thinking to myself quietly and came to the conclusion that I am PRO LIFE>!! Now, this is not as bad/good as it sounds depending on your perception, but it is sort of shocking to hear myself say that. I mean, when you realize just what the argument is, it is not hard to stop and begin again with a common understanding. I.e. = "abortions are not good." The right-wings doesn't like them because "they are killing life", and I don't like them because it is, at the very best, an uncomfortable procedure.

I've always held the idea that the best option is if the woman and her partner could keep the child and raise them well. Second, is if the woman could sacrifice 9 months and give the child up for adoption. and third, when there is no other option, to make the choice and get rid of the damn thing.

so, i guess based on that you could say I'm pro-life but when it came to passing a law, i'd say "go fuck yourself".

But really, in my ideal society, the "pro-lifers" would not attempt to stop this procedure simply by outlawing it, but they would instead do everything in their power to make the choice to keep the child easier. EX- free healthcare, education, family planning, jobs training, affordable housing, ETC!

because, in the end, this choice is depending almost entirely, on if the potential parents feel capable, emotionally and financially to raise a child. Because if they are not, then choosing to keep the child is that much harder.

am i coming in clear? mom! I said, am i coming in clear?

7:37 PM - 13 Comments - 3 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove

So we've been discussing your latest blurb and we've come to the conclusion that you are pro-choice, and that your choice is life. To say that anyone, ANYONE, is pro-life, means there must be a counter balance such as someone being anti-life. Although we hate many people out there, we are not against life, nor do we do the cha cha every time someone has an abortion. If anything your choice should be something that is private, and until you and Tallia get pregnant, please don't tell everyone what your choice would be because sometimes things are easier said than done.

Posted by Greg

greg - your dumb. oh, and ur gay too :D

Posted by tom

ok, so obviously something is wrong with what I wrote since two of my friends have posted and both were misled by it... I am now of the viewpoint that EVERYONE is pro life.

I have yet to meet someone who says "Yay!! throw the babies on the fire!!"

now Mike, obviously, you and lisa do/did not live in my perfect world. For one, she was poor and illiterate. And two, she is married to a guy who looks like a penguin(sp?). My theory is that if you two had been educated, AND made reasonable choices because of that education, that 1) she would not have gotten pregnant 2) it would have come at a much later stage in your guy's relationship.

greg - you are still gay

Posted by tom on Tuesday, June 14, 2005 at 9:00 PM
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haha, OK i just thought of something else and JUST HAD to post it...

To me, it seems like the politicians in this country find this issue very convenient(sp?).

It is very easy for one side to just sit back and say "i don't like what your doing! I'm going to stop it!!" and just by saying that, millions of people flock to the voting booths to let some corporate whore remain in office.

And it is also just as easy for the other side to sit back and say "look what they are trying to do! we must stop them!!" and millions more flock to their side to stuff the ballots to help a slightly younger, better looking corporate whore remain in office...

why would they do that? oh, im glad you asked...

to actually come together and DO something would require that they each give up the one issue that drives this debate and puts people in the booths..

PLUS, it is a lot cheaper to say "abstain" and judge then to educate the population.

Posted by tom

I agree Tom, Gerg is GAY. :-)

Posted by Ray on Monday, July 18, 2005 at 1:13 PM
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The Pikey

While your ideals are honorable, your grasp on reality is weak, at best. You fail to take in account the percentage of women who are without a partner and/or are unable to financially, not to mention emotionally, equiped to deal with the job, and I do mean JOB, or properly raising a child.

Are you seriously suggesting outlawing abortions entirely or just stating your current stance on the matter? I mean look into the matter. What percentage of orphaned infants are adopted? Not trying so say that I myself know. And you know as well as I that it doesn't take much to fuck a child's psyche(sp). I'm contantly afraid of doing that and I'm almost possitive that I will at somepoint. And I'm a parent who gives a shit. What about the ones who don't? Or kinda do? You can teach, preach and scream at a person all you want but you can't give a person motivation. Some people just never learn.

Darci has a friend who has 2 children by 2 different men. Neither one speaks, writes, or helps support their child. Last summer she got pregnant again, realized she could support a third so she got an abortion. Less than 8 months later she's pregnant again from yet another guy. And it's always the same story with her, "oh, this one's different."

You see this shit everyday. And yes education is best but like I said before. Some people refuse to learn and grow, cause there's bliss in ignorance. And that's exactly how the government wants it. Dumb, easily led drones to make there meals, mow their lawns, and die in their wars. It's a farce. It will never end because their aren't enough of us who are actually willing to stop it. So long as people do nothing there'
s no reason for them to take action.

Anyways, I gotta go. I'm at work.

Posted by The Pikey on Friday, July 22, 2005 at 10:36 PM
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jesus christ!! At least I know the title to this rant/observation worked... maybe a little too well.

James, you are now the third fucking friend of mine who misread tthe entire fucking thing.... Am i a fucking dumbshit??? (don't answer that)

James, re-read everything above and then repost what you actually think my position is on the subject.

Posted by tom on Wednesday, July 27, 2005 at 10:01 PM
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The Pikey

ok so I'm retarded too. Don't know how I got the message fuckedup but I did. So I'm sorry for just repeating, in so many words, what you had already stated.

Posted by The Pikey on Friday, July 29, 2005 at 1:38 PM
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haha, that's ok@! I think the title gets everyone all fucking pissed before they read it lol

Posted by tom on Friday, July 29, 2005 at 5:38 PM
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Makes me wonder if I am fucked up and that insensative to the subject....

Posted by Ray on Monday, August 01, 2005 at 11:20 AM
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well, you don't have a vagina so I guess you really have no personnal stake in the subject... But then again neither do I.

Posted by tom on Friday, August 12, 2005 at 5:51 PM
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OK, this is a new topic... sorta (ideas expressed are mine! so kiss my ass!)

The South Dakota state legislature just passed a bill banning abortion except for when the mother's life is threatened. and their Governor seems likely to sign it...

Now, because this bill does not include an exemption regarding the women's health, as the Supreme Court and even President Bush has said similar laws MUST contain, the bill WILL be ruled unconsitutional by the U.S. Supreme Court.

Now, assuming the politicians are not stupid, WHY did S.D. pass this bill when they KNEW it would be ruled unconstitutional?

Answer: They want to fight the fight, but they DO NOT want to win the war.

Explaination: The Republican party KNOWS it can motivate their conservative Christian base by simply paying LIP-SERVICE to this cause. The Repub's also know that if they were to overturn R v W that it would PISS OFF 60-70% of the country who would all then think that, in fact, the Christians have taken over the country.

This is just a rant mind you but shouldn't we consider politicains who use such devisive tactics and who would risk motivating their base to small-scale violence and possibly even national disruption as terrorists? They are playing politics with the emotions of a shoot-first country. Aren't they, in effect, yelling "FIRE" in a theatre?

We should bring them up on charges the next time an abortion clinic gets bombed.

Posted by tom on Tuesday, February 28, 2006 at 3:08 PM
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YOure a good blogger, Ive agreed with all your crap so far now im going to read the next one

Posted by Bill

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

the problem with the next generation...

In my view, the kids that I see running around these days are a) more disruptive b) more rambunctious c) less cooperative d) and have less respect for authority

and the big question is: why?

the answer: We as a people have forgotten how to PARENT!

Every single time I see a child out of control I need to look no further than to their parents to see what the main problem is. These "parents" either hover over their children 24/7 not allowing them room to breath or they ignore the children until something bad happens.

What we have forgotten is what the main goal of parenting was supposed to be:

-To prepare the child for adulthood-

As a parent you need to do several thing correctly in order for your children to succeed in this ever-shrinking world of ours.

1) You need to set a good example for your child.
a) in social situations - how should they treat others, peers, elders, authority
b) in inter-personal relationships - what does a HEALTHY marriage look like?
- what is intimacy?
- how should we treat our mothers/wives/sisters

2) You need to help your child maneuver through a VERY confusing post-high school labyrinth
- school selection and student loans are very scary things to face on your own

3) Teach your child fiscal responsibility
- give them a small allowance on a weekly or monthly basis linked to grades AND chores so they can learn how to save and EARN money
- show them the pitfalls of carrying debt
- for god's sake, HELP them to establish credit!! If it's co-signing on their first car, or adding them to one of your credit cards (but not giving them a card themselves) will go a long way to helping them qualify for cards at a reasonable rate of interest

4) Take a pro-active and POSITIVE stance on their grades. you will be surprised how easy it will be if you make it a big deal when they are very young. Once he/she is hooked on scholastic success, they will almost always strive for it in every class.

5) discipline.
- do not be over-bearing but do be strong - if they don't respect you, your words carry no weight
- support the decisions made by your spouse in front of the kids - you may talk about them in private
- if you have more than 2 children, be sure to spend QUALITY time ONE-ON-ONE with each at least every-other week. find something special to do on an individual basis.
- just like the grades, if you are strong with the kids early, you will be surprised at how easy it will be to control them in the future.
- Always explain your child's behavior with them and what you did not like about it
- Watch your mouth around young kids
- never encourage them to break ANY laws.

6) keep a relatively clean house

7) encourage them to explore alternative views on life, art, culture

8) do not force-feed your children religion or politics
- these two are very important
- they have no idea how these concepts came about, who to believe, or where to turn if something is confusing to them.
- these are extremely divisive topics and if discussed, should be done so in a very civil manor with neutral tones all-around