Tuesday, October 9, 2007

hmm... anything new?

well, sorry for the rather long delay. I have been very busy with life outside of the "blogisphere" but I think I may have something for my three readers...

I have a friend who just moved to Louisiana as she got into LSU vet school. (yay 4 her)
So she has been calling her friends out here because she is so desperate to talk to people of "like mind". Now, keep in mind that she is one of the most, if not the most, "Liberal" people I know and that is important because she is complaining of being "picked on" by the apparently super religious/conservative members in her class...

"Picked on"... seriously. She has been seriously called "Satan" because she is apparently a "hippy" and has been told by one student, on more than one occasion, that she is going to burn in hell.

I have been telling her to give it back to them because, trust me, she can hold her own, but apparently that doesn't help because there are too many of them...

I honestly wonder about the state of our Nation when hearing things like this because it points to the larger problem of the "left" and "right" not being able to sit at the same table. I also wonder why I don't hear anything, from any "leadership" in this country as to what can be done to bridge this gap between the two.

How is it that our country is stable given these types of problems? And it isn't just at LSU; no no no. What I've described is a religious/political problem between white students in a graduate program. Think about the gender and racial divide...

-Now, imagine for a second, a situation in which San Francisco was its own State and shared a border with Alabama. (this is the most extreme circumstance I could think of and we are still not getting any racial issues.) What would happen? War? yeah, I'd say war would be a possibility between two groups with DEEP religious, political, and cultural differences. Now, imagine that in the Middle East and call it Iraq...

Maybe a Federal partitioning of the country would be best for all involved.

Yeah, I realize that this post was a little dis-jointed but who cares... no writing bug tonight. Sorry.


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